Alluvium | 沖積 費安諾
Lemongrass, lime-leaf, guava, but there is that incredible flinty, reductive whiff. So much grapefruit and quartz charging down the middle of the palate, with bits of jasmine and nectarine trailing in its wake. You could chew on this acid for days. Alluvium feels special this year.
- Origin - Adelaide Hills, Australia
- Alcohol Content - 12.5%
- Grape Variety - Fiano
- Years - 2021
能聞到檸檬草、石灰葉、芭樂的香氣。 入口時能感受到豐富的葡萄柚香氣和礦石的鹹香味劃過味蕾, 尾韻則是能品味到淡麗的茉莉花和油桃香氣。
- 產地 - 阿德萊德山, 澳洲
- 酒精濃度 - 12.5%
- 葡萄品種 - Fiano
- 年份 - 2021