Deanda Vineyard "Chill Pill" Chenin Blanc | "放鬆時間" 白詩楠
Redwood Valley's climate differs from surrounding areas because a gap in the coastal ridge creates more of a temperature difference between day and night. Cool Pacific air flows through the valley, causing the fruit to ripen more delicately and with more complexity. You can taste wisteria, grapefruit, and Asian pear blossoms.
- Origin - Redwood Valley, USA
- Alcohol Content - 11.9%
- Grape Variety - 100% Chenin Blanc
- Years - 2022
Redwood Valley的氣候與周圍地區不同,因為沿海山脊中的一個缺口導致了更多的日夜溫差。涼爽的太平洋氣流通過山谷,導致果實更加細緻地逐漸成熟,擁有更多的複雜度。能夠嚐到紫藤、柚子、亞洲梨花的味道。
- 產地 - 紅木谷, 美國
- 酒精濃度 - 11.9%
- 葡萄品種 - 100% 白詩南
- 年份 - 2022