NV Viret BDN Mousseux Extra Sec | 半甜氣泡酒
The winery follows the laws of Cosmoculture to make natural wine, attaches great importance to vineyard homeopathy, the principle of multi-species symbiosis, and references to lunar cycles. The grape cultivation practice is very strict. All auxiliaries and additives are prohibited in the winemaking process, and native yeast is used. Follow the concept of minimal intervention.
- Origin - Rhone, France
- Alcohol Content - 11.5%
- Grape Variety - 100% Grenache
- Years - NV
酒莊遵循 Cosmoculture宇宙傳承法則釀造自然酒,重視葡萄園順勢療法、多元物種共生原則、以及參考月球週期等,葡萄栽培實踐非常嚴格,禁止在釀酒過程中使用所有助劑和添加劑,使用原生酵母,實踐最低干預理念。
- 產地 - 隆河, 法國
- 酒精濃度 - 11.5%
- 葡萄品種 - 100% Grenache
- 年份 - NV