Pink Pet Nat | 借彼喻此 粉紅古法氣泡酒
A lovely blush blend of Adelaide Hills Chardonnay, Skinsy Pinot Gris and a tiny dose of Merlot to make the most refreshing bubbly boy in the game. Spring strawberries, pickled cherries, red currants, ripe pear and creaming soda all at once. A lovely dry, saline finish to boot . Join the party.
- Origin - Adelaide Hills, Australia
- Alcohol Content - 12%
- Grape Variety - Chardonnay,Pinot Gris, Merlot
- Years - 2021
Chardonnay、Pinot Gris和些許的Merlot混合出的可愛粉色成品。 能夠一次品嚐到春日草莓、醃漬櫻桃、紅醋栗、成熟梨子和冰淇淋汽水的味道。尾韻能感受到一股淡、不甜且鹹的味道。
- 產地 - 阿德萊德山, 澳洲
- 酒精濃度 - 12%
- 葡萄品種 - Chardonnay,Pinot Gris, Merlot
- 年份 - 2021