SC-S. 2 Odin | 蒸餾紅茶酒
Black tea wine distilled from the black tea we picked this summer, carbon-grown longan and honeysuckle from Matsu Island. Different distillation steps and techniques are used to completely distill the tea body and herbal extracts. It tastes like a carbonated wood aroma and a black tea aftertaste. The taste is as rich as whiskey. The name Odin was named after our winemaker’s newborn son.
- Origin - Taiwan
- Alcohol Content - 45%
- Variety - SC Lab black tea, Carbon smoked longan, Sugar Cane, Matsu honeysuckle
- Years - NV
採用我們今年夏天採的紅茶與碳培龍眼和馬祖島的金銀花蒸餾出來的紅茶酒。 使用了不同蒸餾步驟與技術完整將茶體與草本萃取蒸餾出來。 喝起來帶有碳培的木香味與紅茶的尾韻香氣口感。 這款味道類似威士忌的口感一樣的豐厚。 Odin 這名稱是以我們釀酒師剛出生的小兒子名字所取名。
- 產地 - 台灣
- 酒精濃度 - 45%
- 品種 - 仃杉紅茶,碳燻龍眼,甘蔗,馬祖金銀花
- 年份 - NV